Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Life doesn’t give you a second chance.

How often has it happenned that you have performed some action and regretted it later. And just realised the consequences of it are far too more than you ever imagined. You want time to reverse back a little, but only if you could. In the spur of the moment you decide to go ahead with some decision or say something, later only to realise how foolish you have been. We do not always think before saying and sometimes the very conception of our thinking is absurdity.

“Its easy to be wise after the event” as they say, so very true.

Life doesn’t give you a second chance, you need to grab up the only chance you are likely to get most of the times. No lengthy post mortems thereafter are going to help in any way. We can dissect and discuss what we think was right and wrong and try to learn from our successes and failures. We keep bothering ourselves about the “ifs” and “buts” and the thinking becomes conscious of itself. Much of this kind of thinking is conducted in internal monologue or silent soliloquy only to incentivise further brooding and give trouble.But ultimately we're only as good as we can be and never sure we would have enough presence of mind even the next time.



Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

hey.. thats well written :)

Agnostic said...

What made you write this thing...

~ Icarus said...

I wouldn't say that I am in sync with what all u have written but then just wanted to add something which I have always very firmly believed."Life is all about the turns you take".One right turn can take you to skies and one wrong decision can bring it all down.Not that being careful is the key.Just that being aware is instrumental.Probably a more toned down version of your blog.But second chance.Hmm..Not all things are to be accepted as such.Some are to be snatched as well..

dreamy_writer said...

well, yeah there re times u wanna reverse back... but if u look forward everything seeems right... so never look back!!!

Unknown said...

yeh... i 2nd vita... never look back