Monday, March 2, 2009

The twenty-five somethings

I read a forward about the “quarter life crisis” which inspired me to write about this stage. Whether I connected to it. Well I wont state that bit…..

For twenty-five somethings time does exist in two different dimensions depending on ones state of mind. Twenty-five’s something could be the most exciting part of your life and at the same time it could be the most anxious part of your life. A life partner, your standing vis a vis your friends, your career, your dreams everything gets decided or finalized or changes its path drastically for the good or bad during this interesting period.

At times you would be quite content on being an observer of the unfolding drama of life while at times you would think, this is the time for me to act, now or never! You would be wondering whether its actually the right time for you to get married or you are just not ready for it. Marriage?? For some shaking hands with a new person of the opposite sex is still a sexual experience at 25! The enthusiasts still hope for meeting someone in trains, buses, classes, treks, friend’s parties, etc. You start considering people you have known all along but never given much thought to earlier. The advantage being that at least you know the person. Those in relationships start thinking about how the same would progress till and after marriage. The future plans start falling in place. Those few have-beens and out of a relationship start dreading another and prefer to take their own sweet time when presented with photographs and suitable Resumes. Not trusting things becomes a norm. Time seems to be moving on crutches.

The job that was the absolute dream just a couple of years back seems the most dull thing for the moment. The adventurous are still busy planning ventures, failures which were never really felt before start taking huge tolls. Uncertainty and Living on the edge seems a part and parcel of life, especially in recession times like these. The ones who have always been rankers in college, well settled in their jobs start feeling that time investment to find a life partner during the study times would have made so much more sense.

What exactly would success be?? Another question which keeps lingering on and on. Is this what I actually want to do with my life?? What if I get extremely successful in my professional life but not find the right partner? What if I am unable to achieve my dream?? Let me just settle down now?? For the first time, even the most confident varieties worry about their future.

One phone and you are back in your mood…one mail from your Boss and you feel like quitting….you call your friends and discuss the same bullshit for hours again and again… hear a news and you suddenly feel insecure….. Life is a confusing question paper...Anticipation goes on forever….


Unknown said...

Twenty-5 sum thngs- i agree with ur thoughts. i wud say its age full of confusion wherein u know u have to take a call in every aspect of life. All ur decision making skills are tested at this stage. Every decision of urs wud make a lot of difference in ur life. Solution: be practical & follow ur heart

blog3 said...

Hi Aditya..i would say that.. this life is a like a "king circle" in mumbai which can lead us to any turn... but which turn we should take..??? off course avoiding traffic will not be a path..cause we will be lonely on that path...but we can always come back to the same circle again and try every other turn :)